Sunday, October 2, 2011

Been craving the bad foods.

So it has been a few days since I posted. So will do a little day by day update. On Thursday was the Crossfit Games event 10.
For time:
20 calorie Row
30 Wallball Shots, 20 pound ball
20 Toes to bar
30 Box jumps, 24" box
20 Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 108 pound kettle bell
30 Burpees
20 Shoulder to overhead, 135 pounds
120 foot Sled pull, sled plus 165 pounds
We replaces the calorie row with 45lb SDHP, toes to bars with knees to elbows, SDHP with 95 lbs, the shoulder to overhead with 95 lbs and didn't have any sort of sled so we just left that one out. I have been scaling the WODs alot lately I don't want to hurt myself doing something with to much weight. I use to scale down the WOD.
For Friday it was Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1. This was my first every time with the snatch. I wish I would have gotten some pics and video of it. Cause I know I need to see what I need to improve on cause I wasn't doing them great. We had to stop about half way through because work came calling while we were at the gym. Life of a soldier and all.
Saturdays WOD sounded alot easier then it really was.

Complete three rounds for time of:
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, right arm
21 L Pull-ups
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, left arm
21 L Pull-ups
We ended up dropping from 40 to 30 on the dumbbell. I started out doing tuck sit pull ups but found I could only get the one round in. From that point forward I did kippings.
I can definitely tell that I am getting stronger. Only a matter of time before I really begin to see a difference. My real problem right now is my diet. I have been cutting out all the bad foods slowly lately. I don't want to cut it all out then end up back tracking. But the last few days I have wanted to do nothing but snack and snack bad. I have not but boy do I want to.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My cardio is getting better.

So on Tuesday I looked up the WOD on the crossfit website and it was
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Toes to bar
10 Box jumps, 24" box
I had to replace a 30 lb dumbbell for the wall ball and I did knees to elbows instead of toes to bar. Ain't that good at crossfit yet. I got 8 rounds plus 1 time wall ball and 1 time knees to elbows. I did well, alot better then I though I would. I can see myself slimming out and toning up.
On Wednesday I went out in the morning and did 2 miles worth of sprints. 60/120 and got the entire 2 miles in 13:55. Even doing 60/120 I did 5 seconds better than I had hoped for my last 2 mile. So I am way excited.

Monday, September 26, 2011

First Time Deadlift

To today was the first time that I have every done a dead lift. What horrible form I have. dead lifts look easy just pic up the weight off the ground. No putting it over your head no additional movement just pick it up. Simple right? But let me start with my whole day. I didn't get up and do my run or my WOD in the morning. This is typical on a Monday morning for me. The reason is not lack of motivation or no disciple. It is football. Fantasy football to be precise. The Sunday games in the states start at 9 pm here in Afghanistan. So i tend to stay up until around 2 am watching the stat tracker. Honestly don't know why since I am an epic loser at fantasy football. But I do it every week. So I got up showered and went to breakfast. went about my day at work then when I got off it was on to the gym for the WOD. 3-3-3-3-3 dead lift. I think I did well weight wise for my first day. I did 185-185-205-205-205. But like I said before horrible form. I will put a video up; pleas let me know what you think.

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.” ~ Vincent T. Lombardi

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Night before I really start blogging

For me it is evening time on Sunday the 25th of September 2011. I will begin blogging in the morning about what is happening in my life of fitness. I will be getting up bright and early in the morning and doing a 2 mile run with some of the soldiers in my platoon. We get up at 0500 in the morning Monday/Wednesday/Friday and run a 2 mile/sprints/distance run; respectively. I am trying for an even 14:00 minutes on my run tomorrow. I can run much better then that I have PT tests in the Army that can attest to that.The air here in Afghanistan makes it hard to run but I will get back up there. As soon as I am done with my run I will be waking up the platoon sergeant to go do our WOD. We do the WOD a day behind just in case the Internet goes out that morning and we cant get the WOD so we will be doing Dead lift 3-3-3-3-3. This will be my first dead lift ever. We will see how it goes. As you can see on my blog I Will be posting what I eat and my state in a tabbed page. Less to read here. I will post again in the morning. Time to go eat dinner and watch a little football.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

This will be my first post on my blog as I start the adventure of getting fit. I am not fat, unhealthy, or out of shape by any means. But I am nowhere near where I would like to be in my life so here goes nothing. First a bit about myself up to this point. My name is Scott Schmidt and I am Sergeant in the US Army. I am currently stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington with my wife and four children. Although I am stationed in Washington I am not in Washington. I am in Afghanistan supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. In this blog I will be referencing the Army and deployment but this is not what this blog is for. To be honest it is a place for me to track and chart my progress. If someone reads it and finds it helpful, entertaining or even something to laugh at then fine by me. I actually started with my endeavor to get fit as soon as boots hit the ground in this deployment. I was never one who liked going to the gym or exercising. I did it because the Army made me. Aside from that playing with my kids was the most exercise I got. I started off very slowly when I first got here; the gym a few times and ran a bit in the morning. Then myself and 2 fellow soldiers began to do Shaun T Insanity. We did this program for the entire 63 days everyday at lunch. I lost some weight and got a little more fit but not quite the results I had hoped for. Then one day my Platoon Sergeant was looking at a video on YouTube of Steve Arnold who was doing CrossFit. He took pictures of himself everyday for 100 days and then made a slide show video. Once I saw this I was hooked. This guy was about my size and build and a hundred days made a world of difference with him. So I decided i was going to start Crossfit. But I was not just going to start  CrossFit  I was going to change my entire lifestyle. My workout, my eating habits, even my way of thinking. I began this little adventure 3 weeks ago. I have been doing my best to eat clean. I have been in the gym as much as my job will allow and I am already seeing the difference. I am going to do my best to post everyday. The workouts I did, the foods I eat, and the ways I am making changes in my life I will be posting pictures and maybe some videos. Please follow along if you like. I can always use advice and constructive criticism. Here is a pic just taken of me for my before pic. Please don't laugh and keep the rude comments to yourself. I also added a link to the video of Steve Arnold hopefully it is just the motivation that you need.

 Steve Arnold 100 days 100 Photos